Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Week 4 | October 31, 2018

Hello world!! Two weeks left here in the CCM!! It's super awesome but can't wait to get to Monterrey and begin the real work!!  Every day here we teach a lesson to our two "Investigators" (our teachers) and this week Elder Gilbert and I committed them both to baptism so that's pretty exciting!! haha.  It really does get me excited for the field though.  My district is so great.  I have come to realize that the gospel brings a kind of love between people that you can't get anywhere else.  Our district is comprised of me, my companion,  two full blown rednecks, a half mexican liberal from seattle, a Marine, a car mechanic from Cedar city, an asian DJ, a former gangster from Victorville California, and an elder who is a lot like me from Colorado.  In no other circumstance would we all be friends but I have come to love each and every one of them individually.  It seriously is amazing what this Gospel does and how it blesses every single person apart of it.

Spanish is coming along very nicely and I think I will be muy bien by the end of the CCM.

con amor, Elder Anderson

My good buddy Elder Anderl


Our district after our fun basketball game today.

Elder Broadbent and I!!

 District Photos

Week #3 | October 24, 2018

Hello everyone!!  Just beginning my fourth week here at the CCM and I love it!!  We teach lessons everyday and i´m finally getting to the point that when a Latino asks me if i speak spanish I can say " Un poco" (a little) instead of saying "un poquito" (VERY little).  We work super hard here and it would be super hard if it weren´t for the awesome guys in my district!!  The mornings here are pretty sweet because we have gym time first thing so our district and some other guys go play soccer out on the field under the lights and it feels just like home!!  And we play a lot of basketball which is way fun.  P days like today are awesome because we go to the Mexico City temple and it is super cool.  To end I would just like to say that our savior Jesus Christ is real and he has so much love for each and every one of you!!

Con Amor, Elder Anderson

Matching sweater saturday!!!

Our favorite Latina Hermanas!!  Left for their missions this week

Elder Lyon and I on the bus from the temple.  Elder lyon is one of the best shooters I´ve ever seen on a basketball court

Elder Gilbert and I after our haircuts this morning

our district at the visitors center

WEEK #2 | October 19, 2018

Week 2 communication was a little off because he had to spend his P day working on his visa. He was crunched for time and didn't send a public email so here are snippets from the family emails. 

We got this on Wednesday:

Hey fam!  Unfortunately our p day got changed to friday for this week so this is the only email I can send you today but I will talk to you on friday!  It´s because of our visa paperwork we have to do on friday or something but anyways look on the positive side of it!!  You'll hear from me in 2 days and in a week!!  Adios! Con amor,                                                               Elder Anderson

And this on Friday:

Hello family!!  This week was good!  The CCM is starting to get harder but I am still loving it!  We teach a lesson every single day now and it is really good practice!  At the beginning of this week I felt a little bit of a plateau in my spanish learning and stuff for some reason but now I am feeling good about it again.  Also thank you so much for the packages and letters!!  I love it so much and it makes my day every time.  I love the goodies and mom thank you for the retainer and face clothes!I´m not really sure what else to tell you guys!! It´s really good and I´ll send pics!  Also I apologize I dont have a ton of time to talk today because we were at the visa office all day which is a bummer.  But I have an hour!

Package from Mom!

Tie swap.

Our district at the temple.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

LETTER #1 || October 10, 2018

Elder Anderson would love to hear from you! His contact info is in the sidebar to the right. There are also sites (linked) to send free same-day letters that a service will print out and deliver to him. He is in District 9A.

The email he wrote "for the people of the world" :

Hola everyone!!  I'm here in the CCM in Mexico City and I'm loving every second!  My companion and district are the greatest guys ever.  We work really hard but laugh even harder.  My companion is Elder Gilbert from Bingham High School if any of you know him!  He´s super cute @ all you ladies reading this.  But ya it has been a blast so far and my spanish is coming along great!  Also two hour church?!?  The MTC went wild when they announced that haha.  Anyways love you all and would love to hear from all of you!  The power of prayer is real I promise so try it out!! 
Love, Elder Anderson :)

Snippets from family emails:

My companion is awesome!  Elder Gilbert from Bingham high school.  He´s super easy to get along with.  He´s super smart and pretty good at Spanish.  We work well together in lessons and talking to people and stuff. 
I am seriously loving it here!  Everything is great!  Everyone says the first week is tough but honestly its been a blast and I´ve learned and grown so much. 
We have two Maestra´s (teachers). Both are Hermanas and both are super nice.  I seriously can´t believe how much Spanish I´ve learned already.  My district is literally so fun.  We have the coolest guys and we work hard and make each other laugh even harder.  I´ll send some pics of the district.  There´s twelve of us.  We are the best district that´s ever been seen at the CCM haha.  I sleep great because I´m so exhausted after every day haha.  The dorms are way nice and we got lucky because you either have dorms or a house and the dorms are much nicer and in a way better location.  We are close to the cafeteria, our classroom, and the gym.  It is perfect.  The packing was great it worked out just fine.  We did laundry today and it went well I didn't ruin any of my clothes so that's good. 

We watched conference in English and it was SOO COOL!!  Probably the first conference ever that I've taken notes on every talk, let alone listened to every talk haha.  But ya two hour church!  How about that!? 

But in all seriousness i am so lucky.  I am having the best experience here thanks to my companion, my district, and my true companion the Holy Ghost.  It´s an amazing feeling to constantly have the spirit with you and to just have the desire for good at all times.  
I´ve never been more at peace.   
Also there are some cool services you guys could use here.  First of all you can send packages with ease.  You just need to know my district number with is 9A!! Also you can order stuff online that they will buy here and give to me so you don´t even have to send it.  Like goodies and stuff would be much appreciated.  Also you can write letters online everyday and they will print them out and give them to me any day of the week basically so I could read stuff from you but couldnt respond haha but it would brighten my day for sure!  Only if you want!  I´m sure you can find all the info on this stuff online but I would love it if you would!  Feel free to send me goodies hehe.  You just need to know that I am in district 9A.