Monday, December 17, 2018

WEEK 11 | December 17, 2018

Hey everybody! Hope you all had a good week!!  This week was super good!! I wanted to share one experience I had with a recent convert couple in my ward.  The husband is from Monterrey and his wife is from Georgia and they both speak English super well, and actually prefer it and they wanted to study the gospel in english so we had a lesson/class thing with them this week IN ENGLISH.  It was so sweet and kind of hard to switch back to english and I had to do the whole thing because my companion doesn´t speak english.  Anyways it went super well and was a great experience.  We received our transfers and I am leaving this area which is sad but also exciting because I will have a new companion and everything will be new again.  Feels like I am restarting my mission haha but I´ts super exciting and I´m ready for a change!!  This change was actually kind of an answer to my prayers in a way and I have a firm testimony that God answers prayers, no matter how differently he answers them than you thought he would, he does.  Later!

1. Another rain storm and CAMPECHANAS.  The best food here.

2. Dew from the fam.  This stuff is like gold.  It doesn´t exist here.

3. Mi Casa

4. When I found out about the changes

5. Hanging out while doing laundry

6. We played basketball with some of the young men in the ward and then took a pic with this bad boy after.

WEEK 10 | December 10, 2018

Qué tal everybody hope you all had a good week!!  This week was super cold and rainy! (I honestly didn´t think it was possible for Mexico to be cold but it is...) but the work doesn´t stop for bad weather and we had a great week despite it.  The other day we had a lesson with an investigator that went well, and then afterwards we were just kinda talking and it turns out that these people absolutely hate America and everything that has to do with it because they´re parents got deported a couple years ago and a bunch of other stuff and they kind of got mad at me for being from the US and it was really awkward and uncomfortable haha but we set up another "cita" (I honestly can´t remember the word for this in English someone help me out) with them so we´ll see how that goes this week!  We also had the opportunity to play some soccer this week with some Niños in the street which I am so thankful for and then we also played today as our Zone Activity which was sweeeet.  Mexico is perfect for me because I love spanish, I love the food, and I love soccer, although something I love even more than those things is Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us.  We are so fortunate to have his example.  He showed us the way to live and he gave us the key to doing just that.  DAILY PRAYER AND REPENTENCE.  God knows exactly what you are going through.  He knows exactly what you are and are not doing, but he wants to hear it from you!!!  I would challenge you all to focus on that this week!  You can never pray too much!  Much love! Send me and email if you get a chance!

Con Amor, Elder Anderson

1. It was Elder Santamaria´s birthday this week so we had a quick bday party for him with a cake during our study break haha.  He leaves for home this week and he´s and amazing missionary.

2. Christmas!! haha kind of sad decorations and we have more that we´ll do

3. After a rainstorm this week.  

4. Bus ride with the district

WEEK 9 | December 4, 2018

Hello everybody!  This week has been great!  This last saturday was our service day and we helped a young couple landscape their yard of there new house!  We used machetes to cut all the grass and stuff in their yard which was way fun.  Service is fun if you make it fun!! We are teaching some people and making some great progress in the work!!  I was thinking a lot this week about grattitude and how important it is!  God wants to give blessings to those who are greateful!!!  Don´t take anything for granted!! Every small victory comes from God so don´t forget to kneel down and thank him!! Love you all! Send me an email if you can!

Con amor, Elder Anderson

WEEK 8 | November 27, 2018

This week was full of exciting stuff!!  The other day my companion and I talked to a homeless man in a park for about an hour while we were trying to study haha.  He had some great insight on the love of Christ and some other things but he also said that the Lord is preparing him to be the next Prophet so i guess we´ll see what happens!!!  Here in Mexico all I ever see is people playing soccer and it seriously pains me so much not being able to play.  We had another experience the other day where an investigator we are teaching let us pick some chile´s of his chile plant to make salsa which was sweet but he made me try one and I almost died.  That same day we were walking later at night and this Cholo mans with Tattoos from head to toe, a cigarette in his mouth, a beer in-hand, and a gun in his waistband approached us and to be honest I was a little nervous but he said "Do you guys have a pamphlet I could read?  I respect what you guys do so much and If you need anything let me know.  Jesus Christ lives." Not what we were expecting but super cool.  Moral of the story is that everybody deserves to have Jesus Christ and his Atonement in their lives.  His sacrifice was for EVERYONE.  None of us are perfect but we can try our hardest and that´s enough.  Let Christ guide your life this week!! 

Con Amor, Elder Anderson

How I am marking my scriptures.  It´s sweet and helps me learn a lot.

We had exchanges this week and I was with two other gringos all day! What an experience! We taught a lesson and everything haha.

Pre church selfie! PS. I think I am growing.. finna be 6 foot.

Went through a room in our house where there is just a bunch of crap and found some cool stuff like photos from a family that lived here.  kinda creepy tbh.

Zone Conference with some others from my generation!

Elder Santamaria is the trainer of the trio in our neighboring district.  He´s a beast and going home in 2 weeks.


WEEK 7 | November 19, 2018

Just finished my first week in Monterrey!!  I love it here!!  The people are great and the food is so good.  Originally my companion and I were assigned to an area but when we got there the last missionaries that lived there didn´t pay the rent so the renter was mad and didn´t let us in so we got reassigned to a different area which turned out to be a blessing because it is great here.  The only downside is that we are in an area that was closed for a while so we don´t have any on going investigators so we are doing A LOT of contacting!! It´s great though and we have a lot of promising investigators now!!  Highlight of the week was definitely my companion and I trying to help a lady who´s pitbull was on the loose. We chased him for about a mile and finally caught him.  She wasn´t interested in what we had to say but she gave us some water for our efforts!  Anyways I am loving the field and I can see the hand of the Lord in my life every day and I challenge you all to look for it too! Everyday!

We don´t have hot water so this is how we heat up our showers in the morning haha

We don´t have heat in our house and it´s pretty cold here so I warm up water and put it in this 2 liter bottle and put it in my bed with me.  It´s my best friend right now.

WEEK 6 | November 12, 2018

Hola mi familia.  I can write you guys a quick email while I´m here at the mission home for a little.  We get our new companions tomorrow and then head out to our area!! Can´t wait to get to work!! I have P day this next monday so I´ll talk to you guys then!! Love you all so much!!