Monday, December 17, 2018

WEEK 8 | November 27, 2018

This week was full of exciting stuff!!  The other day my companion and I talked to a homeless man in a park for about an hour while we were trying to study haha.  He had some great insight on the love of Christ and some other things but he also said that the Lord is preparing him to be the next Prophet so i guess we´ll see what happens!!!  Here in Mexico all I ever see is people playing soccer and it seriously pains me so much not being able to play.  We had another experience the other day where an investigator we are teaching let us pick some chile´s of his chile plant to make salsa which was sweet but he made me try one and I almost died.  That same day we were walking later at night and this Cholo mans with Tattoos from head to toe, a cigarette in his mouth, a beer in-hand, and a gun in his waistband approached us and to be honest I was a little nervous but he said "Do you guys have a pamphlet I could read?  I respect what you guys do so much and If you need anything let me know.  Jesus Christ lives." Not what we were expecting but super cool.  Moral of the story is that everybody deserves to have Jesus Christ and his Atonement in their lives.  His sacrifice was for EVERYONE.  None of us are perfect but we can try our hardest and that´s enough.  Let Christ guide your life this week!! 

Con Amor, Elder Anderson

How I am marking my scriptures.  It´s sweet and helps me learn a lot.

We had exchanges this week and I was with two other gringos all day! What an experience! We taught a lesson and everything haha.

Pre church selfie! PS. I think I am growing.. finna be 6 foot.

Went through a room in our house where there is just a bunch of crap and found some cool stuff like photos from a family that lived here.  kinda creepy tbh.

Zone Conference with some others from my generation!

Elder Santamaria is the trainer of the trio in our neighboring district.  He´s a beast and going home in 2 weeks.


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